Êtes-vous d'orthorexie loggers ?

Êtes-vous d'orthorexie loggers ?

As a regular reader of Santé Nature Innovation, Eye dois vous vous preventing irrespective risquez melee d'being declared deceased d'une maladie par votre new medicine : l‘orthorexie.

Returns new maladie à l'est dans le bulletin weekly honor muddled weekday provisioning CERIN , le Centre d'information et de searchable nutritionnelles .

Depending on CERIN , orthorexia would hit the individual :

"Proves anxious to diversify their diet during the three daily meals. instance , he does not eat the same sources of carbohydrates or protein. If by extraordinary he is brought to swerve at a festive meal, it will implement a strict compensation mechanism in the following days : doing sports, increasing the rigor of his regime, in jeûnant ... "

Even worse :

"In some people, commonly found on the side of healthy whole range of "natural", complete, unrefined : wholemeal pasta, wholemeal flour, sugar unrefined cane, etc. Unhealthy side everything industrial, refined (Sugar, white flour), classical (pasta, White rice). Anything that has undergone transformations and moved away from the "natural", So the "healthy".

Finally, brace yourself :

« Organic is well placed from the healthy side, but this is not the only criterion to define a healthy diet. The seasonal food, or he who comes in the region, one who maintains a close link between the producer and the consumer can be valued and enter the "good" category. Each orthorexic traces its borders. One banishes all additives, the other divided fats between saturated and unsaturated, the other rejects the sugar if it is refined, etc. All the nuances and variations are possible. » (1)


What does the police ??

These "dangerous" individuals who pay attention to what they have on their plate, who play sports or who skip a meal a day of celebration, or who buy organic, our elites worried, who feel the need to intervene.

On the site Journal of Women, it said on Tuesday 12 November 1 another article alarmist about orthorexics :

"People with orthorexia are locked in a food hypercontrôle. They select foods based on the benefits they can bring to the organization. »

« Which is ingested should be a nutritional value and be free of contamination. The provenance of food must be known and vitamins preserved. » (2)

This behavior, according to journalist :

« led orthorexics in a confinement that deprives them of much of their social life. It is impossible to imagine a meal with friends or in a restaurant. It's a real pain. »

Realize ! You start by trying to eat healthy, and you end up in complete social isolation, victim of a "real suffering".

But what are the psychiatrists, the police ?? CRS, get out your clubs and your tear gas !

Quick, a drug !

Unless this is a new track for creating a drug ?

Orthorexia was described for the first time in the early 2000 by an American doctor, Dr S. Bratman, as " a obsession or a pathological fixation about healthy food ».

Where there are "pathology", there must also be a treatment, and a medicament.

Are we waiting so that health authorities soon we invent a medication against the urge to eat healthy food, reimbursed by Social Security (medication, not the right foods ...).

Cheers !

Jean Marc Dupuis
Find my best columnist L’ Ultimate Natural Health (J.-M. Dupuis, 2013, SNI editions, 384 p.) available here (clickable link). All my royalties will be donated to the’ Institute for the Protection of Natural Health, nonprofit organization that defends the right of everyone to heal otherwise. Buy my book is also a way to support their generous struggle.
