Chemtrails are COAL ASH

Need help to verify this: It’s been mentioned on the internet that coal ash is the main ingredient of chemtrails. I will add that the coal is being pretreated in a metals extraction process and that electricity is a secondary profit. Most salt production goes to other plants and is separated into sodium and chlorides. It possible these salt products are being used for metals extraction and whole sloppy mess is being sprayed as chemtrails.



I heard about this also. There is a video online that I haven’t watched yet but Dane Wigington of has. I asked him about it by email. Here is his response.

There may be something to the coal fly ash, to some degree. It may be a base material for a percentage of the spraying operations. Other statements in the video are not supported by available data. The video states that the spraying did not commence until the 90s, this is not accurate based on considerable historic data and documents. It states that Jim Phelps was the father of geoengineering, data does not support this statement either as the climate engineering programs go back much further than the career of Mr. Phelps (whom I have personally communicated with by phone and email).

I published two conversations with titled « Dialog With A Geoengineering Insider » parts 1 and 2 ( though I am not officially stating theses particular conversations was with Mr. Phelps). The video states that 10 to 100 micron particles found in coal fly ash are part of what is seen with the spraying, countless lab tests prove that is not correct. I personally paid for a specialized lab to test a rain sample that had already been tested for aluminum (with high concentrations present) to try and determine the particle size. The test was accurate to .05 microns and still no actual particles of aluminum could be found.

This indicates that in fact nano particulars of aluminum are being used (as geoengineering patents state). Such materials are specialized, not a component of coal fly ash. Another point to consider, aluminum futures contracts went up astoundingly immediately after the Copenhagen Climate conference and again skyrocketed in the days after the Cancun climate conference, someone was buying refined aluminum.

In addition, there are powerful chemical ice nucleating agents being used constantly (certainly not coal ash in these cases either) Again, particles from 10 to 100 microns are very large particles in comparison to what we know the climate engineering fallout to be. All this being said, there may indeed be truth to the coal fly ash theory and I believe it should be investigated further, but it would only be a part of the equation if indeed it is being used. We should all continue investigating, we should reach our conclusions with due deliberation, not emotional reaction.