The field reports will follow this preamble, which you can skip if you already know our history.
A faceless bureaucrat in the executive branch of the corporate Idaho government fired a shot across our bow at the end of 2013, presumably on behalf of I.G. Farben (the global pharmaceutical cartel, best known to the pajama people as the makers of poison gas for the Nazi concentration camps), so Carol and I decided to do a test run with our motorhome, which she bought three years ago in case fascism tried, again, to destroy the zapper industry. When our main competitor in the zapper trade was railroaded into prison for curing cancer in the middle of 2000 we had just gotten together and were living in my camper, which I was calling, ‘The Zapporium;’ our mobile zapper factory and office.
So we just went on the road in September, 2000 and didn’t settle until about a year later when it seemed that the fascists had abandoned their open aggression. In that year we expanded our experiment with orgonite, which had mostly been a component in our zappers until then. We quickly discovered that it had promising environmental and social applications and in the middle of that we developed the orgonite cloudbuster. That triggered the birth and fast expansion of the global orgonite movement, which surprised us more than the sewer rat agencies who unwittingly midwifed it through one of their higher profile disinformation websites. Stupid, arrogant NSA/CIA propaganda engineers probably saw the potential, so tried to ruin it by ‘managing’ it. It was a wild ride for me and I think it was what I was born for. After 14 years they still manage to hang themselves by their own petards every time they make a move to poison this movement because, so far, they haven’t been able to identify it with any individual. Half the people who now have orgonite probably don’t even know who Carol and I are so the ancient parasitic order is no more able to control the spreed of this than they might have controlled the spread of the use of the wheel in prehistory.
Another example of this sort of corporate failure is the way plate glass spread after it was invented in France in the early 1700s. Until then, it was only possible to make small windows for dwellings in the same way that costly stained glass windows were made: joining small pieces of cast glass together with lead. Small windows means less light indoors. Big windows means more light, which is probably one of the reasons why people liked going to church. The window makers’ guild put pressure on the legislature to ban plate glass–no kidding–but public demand blew that away within a few years. I think this is about to happen with zappers, so we intend to keep moving and if the feds get involved we’ll just take our business abroad. When I started making and selling zappers, 18 years ago, I soon realized that these little devices cure so many ‘untreatable’ serious illnesses that the feds were bound to move to stop it, which they started owing in 2000. Not long after that, zappers were formally banned in Canada but the gov’t, there, has never followed through with that. The only troule from the Canadian government has been the systematic sabotage and theft of scores of our shipments to Canadian zapper distributors and even that has subsided in recent years. Nobody has ever been harmed by zappers of course.
So, you probably want to know what any of this has to do with desert reversal but we get new readers from time to time and they seem to appreciate a little background information.
We’re in Phoneix, Arizona, right now, and I brought my little yellow ultralight aircraft on a trailer here so I could reach the targets that Carol had dowsed on my aeronautical charts before we left Noth Idaho on January 9. a day before the Nazi’s deadline to respond to their formal threat. I think the term, ‘Nazi,’ is fully appropriate for any state or federal official because National Socialism was established by Herr Roosevelt in America the same time that was established by Hitler in Germany. My ancestors eagerly signed away our freedom to corporate parasites, then my generation (including the hippies) was later programmed to love conformity. That’s collapsing, now, worldwide: Men plot and God plots; and God is the best Plotter (Qur’an). Can you imagine what a hell our world would be, right now, if not for the internet and rising human awareness and accountability? We’re figuring out that we don’t really need to be ruled by hidden corporate parasites any more.
Why does reversing deserts and curing deadly diseases seem to enrage these hiding human tapeworms and liver flukes so much? That’s something to ponder but it might be that unless we’re parasites, ourselves, we won’t be able to answer it. I’m just happy to know that I’m able to tweak them so much because it’s the best indicator that they’re losing control. Carol and I have been walking a tightrope for 14 years, mindful not to tweak them so much with our good deeds that they just slaughter us in a frenzy but to do it enough to keep them angry at us, since that’s probably the only way we can know, for sure, that we’re being effective. In the months leading up to the Nazi’s assault in December we noticed more and more surveillance around us, so I suppose we knew the sewer rats were about to make a move. They had been sabotaging our trade for two and a half years but the etheric countermeasures that we and our closer associates (also under the gun) developed has made it possible for us to keep paying our bills. They did force us to lose half our savings, early on, but we’re getting healthier all the time so we don’t feel inclined to retire, as most of the people our age are looking forward to.
I’m told that Texas is getting ready to secede from the corporate USA. I’ve been thinking about state secessions for a long time and though almost nobody is talking about this elephant in the room most of the state legislatures have initiated this move, so if Texas or some other state does it, the rest will follow quickly. I just assume that the parasites who run the state governments are just getting fed up with the greed of the parasites who run the federal government and that they intend to take ‘their’ states back from the chairman of the board (the president) and the board of directors (Congress). The legislatures are all dominated by filthy politicians because the federal government paid for them all since the New [Raw] Deal in the 1930s but the arrogance, stupidity and short sightedness of politicians at all levels causes them to overlook the power of ordinary people. When the states secede that federal blood money will stop flowing and the state politicians will be fully exposed to the scrutiny of the well-armed American public, who had been forcefully awakened by the end of parasitic federal tyranny. These vast secret police agencies will also be exposed, which is their worst fear.
Corporations, by definition, are unaccountable, which is to say that the owners of these corporations, who rule humanity, get away with criminality. When there’s no more federal power behind them the criminals can be held to account by proper, accountable courts. i just want to see the terrorist corporations destroyed as soon as possible because that will be the end of large-scale tyranny and organized crime in the world. I don’t care what happens to the criminals within the corporations and I’ve got no beef with any of them; not even the Nazis who are now threatening to ruin Carol and I. Destroying the etheric (corporate) foundation of tyranny takes care of the problem and orgonite is one of the best weapons for this that our species have ever acquired. Maybe our only real challenge is to not get captured before the job is done and of course we’re just two of many effective people around the world who are tearing this ancient citadel of evil down right now. We intend to avoid being martyrs and the tightrope the Nazis are walking involves their certainty that if they overtly harm us it’s going to cause a sudden expansion of the orgonite movement and more focus on this artificially suppressed website, ethericwarriors.com, which is the only forum in English where one finds empowering information about it. Right now, they just want to bleed us dry in Idaho’s corporate courtrooms but we’re not participating with them.
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